Wyoming spends more per student than many other states. Further cuts to K-12 spending should be made at the administrative level.In recent years a funding model that split state K-12 allocations into two block grants instead of one was proposed as the two silos model. While this will need some refinement, I think the idea is sound. One silo would contain funding for classroom teachers and instruction. The other would contain funding for administration and ancillary programs. This would allow the legislature to prioritize funding for education while forcing districts to be more frugal on the administrative side.

Teacher Salaries
Teacher salaries need to be maintained at a competitive level in the market so that our schools attract and retain fine teachers.
School District Consolidation
All of Natrona County and its 13,000 students from all of the communities in the county are in a single school district. Fremont county meanwhile has 8 districts most with fewer than 2,000 students each but each one has a superintendent and staff. I am a proponent of consolidating school districts
Rural Education
When we compare rural states like Wyoming with urban states the cost per capita of most services is often high. We need to keep that in mind.